[Q&A] Inquiry about the Assignment of a Korean Patent Application
  • Date : 2023/03/13
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  • Hits : 446

Q1. Is an assignment acceptable (not between inventor and application)? The assignment is between the applicant and another party.

A1. The patent applicant (patentee) can transfer the patent application (right) to another party through an assignment.

Q2. If yes, is there any special requirement? Such as required documents; for example, do you need an assignment agreement or PoA?

A2. To execute the assignment to the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), the following documents are required:

     (1) Deed of Assignment signed by the Assignor

     (2) Notarized Corporate Nationality Certificate of the Assignor

     (3) Power of Attorney of the Assignor

     (4) Power of Attorney of the Assignee

     Please be advised that:

       i) The documents, (2), (3), and (4) referenced above, should be original copies in principle;

       ii) The documents, (1), (2) and (3) referenced above, must be executed by the same representative of each party who signs on the Deed of Assignment; and

       iii) The notarization date on the Notarized Corporate Nationality Certificate (document (2)) must not be more than six (6) months old when submitted to the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO).

Q3. How much is the cost of the Official Fee?

A3. The recordation of the transfer of a patent application by assignment is USD 11.00.

     The recordation of the transfer of a patent right by assignment is USD 94.60.

<For more information>

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